Iqbal was the famous religious Islamic thinker and his thought originated from Islamic belief and culture. Iqbal explained ijtihad as to exert with a view to express an independent judgment but not to be independent of judgment but not to be independent of the Holy Quran and our last prophet Sunnah. Iqbal apposed freedom of thought which makes deviate from divine guidance but endorsed the freedom of ijtihad to oppose rigidity and stagnation. The Muslim world was in great crisis in the era of nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The Muslim world was in great trouble caused by the conflict between conservatism and modernism. This article aimed to define that being religious thinker. Iqbal never accept a passive attitude he argued that neither conservatism nor modernism was good. Result of study shows that Iqbal took a balance approach between conservatism and modernism. In his balance approach Iqbal tried to reconstruct Islamic thoughts through the principle if ijtihad and it was the only way to rescue Muslim for the stagnation of thoughts. The concept of Iqbal about the topic is very much different which are explained in this article. |
Iqbal, Islamic thoughts, reconstruction philosophy and Ijtihad |
Article # 6
Volume # 1
Issue # 1
DOI info
DOI Number: 10.47205/makhz.2020(1-I)6
DOI Link: http://doi.org/10.47205/makhz.2020(1-I)6